ARRA didaktička igra / ARRA didactic Game


 Da igraš, uloguj se na svoj Fejsbuk profil i potraži ARRA game!

ARRA je online didaktička alatka za obrazovanje mladih iz oblasti ljudskih prava.

Glavna ciljna grupa igre su mladi od 13 do 21 godine starosti. Igrica je dostupna na svim zvaničnim jezicima AP Vojvodine, kao i na engleskom.

Igra ima 5 osnovnih grupa pitanja:
- uopšteno o ljudskim pravima
- kršenja ljudskih prava u XX veku
- prava osoba sa invaliditetom, žena i mladih
- prava manjina
- institucionalni načini zaštite ljudskih prava

Do 15. maja 2014. traje online takmičenje, a pobednik ide na nagradnu eksurziju po Evropi zajedno sa pobednicima kviza "Koliko se poznajemo".

The ARRA online game is an on-line didactic tool for human rights education of young people.
It has been developed under the project "All for Rights - Rights for All!", which is supported by the European Commission through programme European Instrument fo Human Rights and Democracy.
The main target group of the game are young people (13 - 21). The game will be accessible in 6 languages spoken in Vojvodina, English and Spanish.
The All For Rights - Rights For All! game aims to contribute to the active and dynamic education on human rights of young people in Vojvodina and wider, thus to raise awarenes on the importance of the protection of the human rights and provide supportive environment for intercultural encounters, dialogue and learning.
The game has 5 main groups of questions:
- Human rights in general
- Violations of human rights in XX century
- Rights of people with disabilities, women and young people
- Rights of minorities
- Institutional mechanisms of human rights protection

The online competition lasts until 15th May. The winner gets a free excursion around Europe with the winners of the quiz "How much do we know each other".

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